Yesterday we were invited to Wroxham Barns for their May half term event – Unicorns and Wizards.
We used to take the older children to Wroxham Barns when they were small, in fact it was when we were there collecting eggs, that we first considered getting chickens, not sure they had 44 like we ended up with!
The entire family had a brilliant day out, there is literally something for everyone, so many things to see and do, it was difficult to fit it all into one day

Wroxham Barns have lots of amazing events taking place throughout the year including feeding lambs, during the summer they have farm park camping, Pumpkin Event, Christmas Event as well as the normal farm park and fun park.
This week during the May half term, the event is called Unicorns and Wizards, there are lots of magical activities to take part in, including Potion Making Lessons, Wand Making, Flying School, Meet The Unicorns, Find The Golden Horseshoe and Unicorn Hunt.

The Farm Park and Fun Park are now a combined attraction that you just pay one entrance fee, which makes it an entire day out, for a really reasonable price.
Wroxham Barns Farm Park
The farm park has lots of different animals for you to interact with, some you are able to hand feed with the animal feed.

You can purchase the feed at the entrance, there are two choices, one for goats, sheep and alpacas, or chickens and ducks, as we have chickens at home we opted for the first kind, and all the children (and adults) had great fun feeding the goats, sheep and alpacas.

This week the small animal handling is taking place three times during the day at 11.15am , 1.15pm and 3pm. Viggo loved petting and stroking the guinea pig.

There is a lovely wooden walkway with wobbly bridges which the children loved going across and looking down on us, plus having a good view of the entire place.

Currently they have seven gorgeous piglets, the children had great fun counting them all as they were constantly climbing over each other to get to their mum and 4 were on top of the other 3, so it was hard to work out exactly how many there were!

Within the farm park area there is a lovely indoor soft play area for children under 10, that Viggo and Tyrus enjoyed.

Just past the Chicken Coops there is a large grass area where the Flying School and Unicorns can be found.

All the children (and adults) had great fun on the various activities, there were cans to knock down with beanbags, hulk gloves and foam bricks to build towers then knock down.

There was a racetrack with jumps for flying your broomstick over or riding a unicorn, snakes and ladders game, but the inflatable dice kept rolling away in the breeze, which caused great amusement!
Wroxham Barns Fun Park
The Fun Park has some lovely rides that the children loved, a little train that goes through a tunnel with fairy lights, Pirate ships that you control when they go up and down, jumping frogs ride which the boys found hilarious as they bounced up and down, toy set which is like a little roundabout.

There is a mini golf course, which has just been refurbished, its an 18 hole mini adventure golf featuring slopes, water hazards, bridges and more.
An imaginative sand play area, that the children can move sand around using a pulley system. You can race round on ride on go karts and tractors, not sure who had the most fun the children or the teens! It can get quite competitive!

There are two Giant Jumping Pillows, one for toddlers and one for 6 years and above, which was Tyrus absolute favourite thing to go on.

Included in the admission price, each child gets 6 goes on the Water Wars, which are giant catapults that fling water balloons at your opponents, great fun but tricky to get right!

AND as if that’s not enough to have a fun filled family day out, they are also introducing for the Summer 2022 a Brand New Maize Maze, daily Foam parties, a carrot carnival and Sunflower Field.
As well as the Farm Park and Fun Park there are lots of little shops to browse, you don’t have to pay admission to visit the shops so if you are in the area and looking for some lovely little boutiques to visit, then definitely consider stopping by.
If you like the sound of Wroxham Barns and you are local, why not consider a Summer of Fun Pass, an absolutely amazing value for money pass, i’m sure our children would visit every day!
*We were given free entry to Wroxham Barns in exchange for this honest review, all thoughts and opinions are our own*
We also visited in October for the Wroxham Barns Pumpkin Festival