Preparing for a vacation is both exciting and stressful.
Exciting because you get to spend some time for yourself. Stressful because there are plenty of things you should do before taking your trip. This includes cleaning your house.
However, there are good reasons you should leave your house clean before going on a vacation.
1. To prevent pest infestation
One reason you should clean your house before your vacation is to pest-proof it. At Cleaning Exec Cleaning Services NYC, we recommend doing the following:
- Throw away the garbage
- Empty and clean your fridge
- Clean the kitchen and pantry
That’s because these areas usually invite critters from infesting your house. And you would not want to come back to a pest-infested home.
2. To avoid food spoilage
As mentioned earlier, emptying and cleaning your fridge is one way to prevent pests from infesting your home while on vacation.
If you will be away for just a day, there is no need to turn off and unplug your fridge. However, we suggest that you do if you will be gone for a couple of days. Doing so is also excellent to defrost your fridge.
The only caveat is that your foods might spoil when you turn off your fridge. Hence, it would be best to empty your fridge when you can.
Here’s how you can do it:
- Throw away all expired items.
- Consume or give away any items that are likely to expire while you are on vacation.

3. To reduce laundry loads
If you will be on vacation for a couple of days, you will likely come back with a load of laundry.
However, forgetting to wash your other clothes before your trip can be problematic. For one, leaving unwashed clothes for long can make them damp and musty. Worse, you might see mildew building up on your bath towels.
As such, it will be more challenging to wash and ensure that it will smell good.
That said, set aside a day or two before you go on your vacation to finish up that last batch of laundry. That way, you can come home to an empty hamper, take a rest for the night, and get started with your laundry the following day.
If you are pressed for time, hang your damp towels to ensure that they won’t be musty. Another option is to go to a laundromat.
4. To save more time
Time is precious. Hence, you should maximize it whether you are at home or on vacation. One way to do that is to clean your house as you go. For example, you can set a weekend before your vacation to do a general home cleaning. Ensure that you make your bed whenever you wake up. And replace your beddings the night before your break. Wash the dishes after every meal, followed by wiping the kitchen counter clean. After dinner time, ensure to dispose of your garbage.
The CLAYGO method may not result in a sparkling clean house, but it stops you from dreading your come back.

5. To have a stress-free trip
Leaving your house in clutter can hinder you from enjoying your vacation. So, you might as well clean your home before your trip.
It can be as simple as following the tips listed above. But if you can’t be bothered, consider hiring a professional home cleaner.
That way, you can have a stress-free trip, knowing that you left your house in a pristine condition.
6. To have a relaxing comeback
No one wants to return to a cluttered and messy house. More so after a tiring yet fun vacation.
That said, it would be best to clean your house before going on your much-awaited trip. Doing so will allow you to slump straight on your bed as soon as your return, check out Simba for the perfect bed and bedding sets.
You can even rest for the night before you tackle your vacation laundry the following day.
Nothing is more exciting than packing your bag for a vacation. However, nothing can bum a much-awaited trip than coming back to a cluttered home. As such, it would be best to clean your house before leaving for a vacation. That way, you can reap the following benefits:
- Prevents pest infestation
- Avoids food spoilage
- Reduced laundry load
- Saves more time
- Stress-free trip
- Relaxing comeback
Sure, cleaning your home before a vacation is an additional task. But consider the benefits you can enjoy when you do so.
You can enjoy your trip knowing that no slice of ham or a piece of potato is rotting in your fridge. Otherwise, you will be coming home to a pest-infested house.
And you do not want that to happen, do you?
If you want to reap the six benefits listed above, add “general home cleaning” to your list of things to do before going on a holiday trip. And if you are pressed for time, know that you can clean your house as you go or hire a professional home cleaner.