Forest Walks Near Me
Let’s talk about Forest Walks! Trying to find an activity which all the children enjoy can be a challenge, but all our children really enjoy going for a walk in the woods, with the right clothing, at almost anytime of the year. Most of the UK has Woods, Forests or Country Parks close by and its a really good way to spend some time with the kids outdoors, woods walks are fun, educational and mostly costs nothing!
If you are going for a woodland walk in the autumn, check out this Autumn Walk Journal to help you record what you see and find

For those who are enchanted by fairies and magical unicorns, the woods can be viewed as a Fairy Woodland, seeking out treasure and rescuing the lost fairy, or finding secret treehouses for tinkerbell and here fairy friends.
For the Boys (Followed enthusiastically by Eowyn) its sticks, which make useful swords and bows to seek out and chase away the Ghosts and Goblins which lurk behind every tree, and hide from Crows (Dastardly Spies of some evil Sorcerer!) which can easily be found on any woodland walk.
You will probably end up with a car full of them, the more robust sticks (like mini tree trunks) have survived the test of time.

We have a wonderful collection of sticks in our Garden that have returned from Woodland Walks and occasionally holidays, we have have cherished sticks that are elevated to the status of having names carved into them.
Lochlan still has a stick (Wizard Staff) from a Holiday in 2005, although we have to be careful that the puppy doesn’t find them!

For Xene its a chance to play with the younger ones, and for Tyrus, the thrill of now being able to walk, he is now walking reasonably well, this allows him to charge off, to his screams of Go Go Go, which he has adopted as his personal running speak.
The collection of pine cones and acorns is essential, particularly the magic ones, our car boot is full of these special treasures.

It’s an all year round activity, but it can be pretty unpleasant in the rain, its a better experience in the dry, However if it snows, the woods are transformed into an arctic landscape.
A snow trip with sledges to the woods is great fun, its a good workout pulling 3 children on a sledge and having a fourth on your shoulders.

All wrapped up warm, with a big flask of tea and chocolate, a walk through woods in fresh snow is fantastic, and reminiscent of the early chapters of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Its also great for wildlife spotting as they are easier to see with the white backdrop of snow and the children can disappear on mini quests following tracks in the snow, sometimes rabbit and deer, but on occasion when imagination takes them some wild and mystical creature.
For the slightly braver a walk at dusk, with torches can also be fun, as the light begins to fade the torches come out, including a couple strapped to the pram.
Its great fun but make sure you are familiar with the woods, being lost in the dark with Children is probably not the experience you are looking for, and when its dark don’t try and play Ghost and Goblin spotting, it’s a bit too much for the young ones!
If you have a family that love the outdoors and climbing trees, check out BeWILDerwood in Norfolk for a fantastic day out.
Tips on Woodland Walks
- Prams with Big Wheels are usually OK in Dry Weather, but consider purchasing a baby Backpack.
- Check the Weather, its OK in the rain, but better dry
- Cold Drinks and Biscuits in Summer, Hot Drinks and Chocolate in Winter
- Let the Children Pack their own Rucksacks
- Encourage imagination to run, its great fun.
- They will get muddy, take spare clothes
Tips from the Children
- Make sure you take a sledge if it snows (Kaide 7)
- It’s good for finding sticks (Eowyn 4)
Useful Links

We have bought an annual pass to our local country park this year as it is great for the kids to get outside, and they have lots of events on too that you can go to.