Last night Neva and I went along to the opening show of The Good Enough Mums Club Musical that is showing at Norwich Playhouse until Saturday 11th November.
Although Neva is far from being a mum just yet, she loves watching new musicals and was happy to accompany me!

What is Good Enough Mums Club ?
Not perfect? Join the club! Toddle through the highs, lows and sleep deprivation of motherhood with the Good Enough Mums Club, a poignant and hilarious musical produced, written, directed and performed by mums. From peeing on sticks to drooping tits we share the love and dispel the myths with enough wipes to mop the tears and clean away the snotty laughter.
When the Council threatens to close their local playgroup, five women thrown together by motherhood, overcome their isolation, loneliness, judgment and perfectionism to discover that they’re stronger as a group than as individuals, and that sometimes, being good enough is best.
This hysterical, heart-breaking and honest new musical written, produced, directed, and performed by mothers is capturing the attention of critics, parents and non-parents alike throughout the country.

Cast of Good Enough Mums Club Musical
The story is based around five mums who meet at the local toddler group and although all very different, they are bonded together through motherhood, each one with their own unique story, but all going through the same stages of motherhood.
Bea (played by Joanna Kirkland) is the one who started the toddler group, she has three children all extremely talented and doing lots of activities, and from the outside she looks like she totally has it all together, but as the story progresses you learn a little more about her situation.
Rebecca Bernice Amissah plays Michelle a mother of twin boys, who seems to spend most of the day playing referee between the two toddlers, as a mum of four boys, I feel her pain! Although generally she seems to have it together she has different issues with other peoples views and opinions of her.

Chantel is played by Jade Samuels who is very blunt and says it as it is, I loved this character, she had so much fight in her that you knew she would do anything for her kids and friends.
Belinda Wollaston played the role of Esme, a first time mum, who’s wife left her and she was really struggling to cope, she eventually gets diagnosed with something more than just the baby blues, it was portrayed very beautifully and it showed that having a strong group of supportive mums around you means you can overcome anything.
Last night the role of Sophie was played by Gemma Atkins, who on the surface looked like she had it all together, but it becomes apparent later that there is also something that is affecting her ability to bring up her child.

What Did We Think of The Good Enough Mums Club?
I loved it! A complete emotional rollercoaster, that only a mother would understand!
There were so many relatable instances that had me nodding along, I LOVED when the ‘mums’ took on the toddler roles, so funny! I can just imagine all of mine plotting with their friends at toddler group to get their own way and be disruptive!
There were quite a few sensitive issues discussed including post partum psychosis, child loss and post natal depression, all were approached delicately and with sensitivity, and it had me with tears rolling my face.
A great night out for all the mums out there, and if you are reading this thinking i’d love to go and see it, but i’m not sure about leaving my baby, I have the perfect solution!
A Matinee show:
Hey parents!
We welcome children under 4 to our special baby & child friendly matinees (our evening performances are strictly 14+). These matinees are a more relaxed and family-friendly experience.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when bringing your child to a child and baby matinee:
There’s no need to worry about disturbing others if your child fusses. The lights are slightly brighter than a regular matinee, and we understand that kids will be kids.
You can come and go as you need to. If you (or your child) need a break, you can step outside for some fresh air or take them to the restroom – come back when you’re ready. You’re also more than welcome to feed your child in the space if you need to.
We’ve got a dedicated space for you to safely park your baby buggy.
We know looking after kids keeps you on your toes. So, when you’re with us, you’re our guest and we’ll do everything we can to make you and your child feel welcome. If you need help with anything, just ask a member of the team.
We hope you and your child enjoy our child and baby matinees!