Who here loves emojis? Better yet – who here loves Disney emojis? This Disney Emoji Challenge is one that you might need to work together on to solve.
There are no words – only pictures. Will anyone in your family know what the pictures mean? You’re going to have to print the emoji challenge to find out!

Disney Printable Emoji Quiz with Answers
Aren’t the little pictures just the cutest? But do you know what they mean? If you think long and hard about it, you might just figure it out. But just in case, the answers are included – so don’t worry!
When it comes to this emoji challenge, there are going to be some that are a little bit more simple than others. This is where family teamwork can come into play so that you all work together to get the right answers!
Fun ways to use this Disney Emoji Quiz
Once your family members it out, why not test on your friends as well?
We’ve done this with some of our neighbors and it was so much fun to see them try and figure it out, too.
Just when everyone thinks that they have all the answers, there’s certain to be one of the list that will stump them.
Make certain that you don’t give any hints! (or at least not right at first!) It might take a little bit of time to work through the list and get the hang of the game but once you do, it’s a lot of fun to figure them all out.
Don’t forget to print off the answer sheet so you can compare and see if their answers are right!
Once everyone in your family gets the hang of how this emoji challenge works, challenge the kids, and see if they can create some of their very own emojis as well. Then you can try and guess and see how close you get!
Don’t forget to download the Disney Printable Emoji Quiz With Answers below.

Have so much fun with this family-friendly activity! It’s certain to bring out the laughs and communication!