6 Useful tips to make your travel safe and comfortable

Tips To Make Your Travel Safe, when travelling to a destination, it is fun only if you are safe and tension free. Before visiting a particular place, you must know about their traditions and restrictions to avoid any embarrassment.

Take care of the way you dress, inform your relatives, and post pictures on social media responsibly. You must have local emergency service numbers of local hospitals and police. Apart from all this here are some useful tips that you must follow to make your travel safe and comfortable.

Follow these 6 Useful tips to make your travel safe and comfortable

Prior Information Of The Place

We spend a lot of money to book our tickets well in advance. As we wish to enjoy our trip to its fullest, it is better to know about that place in advance. Prior information relating to your destination like climate conditions, transport facilities, and political scenarios is a necessary consideration.

You must also check economical restaurants and eating joints and affordable and safe shopping places. Researching online about the place you are visiting can ease out your overall experience. If you are travelling alone and are new to the place, it is best to carry proper navigation tools.

Tools such as a compass, a copy of a physical map, along with help from the localities, can be useful in an unknown destination. You can also use a digital map and draw a driving radius of the following tourist destinations so you can have an estimate of the distances of each attraction, that way you can prioritize your visits across destinations that are near to each other. Once you visit your destination, proudly scratch it off a world map scratch.

SafeGuard Your Necessary Documents

While travelling, we need a lot of official documents, like identity cards, tickets, or boarding pass. If your travel is work-related, then you might also have some official papers or files. These documents are essential for completing your purpose of travel. So, you must keep them safe and secure.

It is a good habit to keep your document sealed in a zip pouch, or a folder. But, what if that folder get lost? In such a case having a soft copy of all necessary documents on Google Drive serves as a backup. Still, if you carry a hard copy, make sure to keep them in a sling bag that stays with you throughout the journey.

Avoid Carrying Excess Money

6 Useful tips to make your travel safe and comfortable

Money is a basic need when you travel. But, it does not mean that you should carry bundles of currency along with you. It is better to withdraw funds from the bank after reaching the destination.

We must also always stay alert as everyone around is a stranger and we are unaware of their true intentions. They may be pickpockets or thieves in disguise. So it is sensible to carry a wallet with a minimum amount of cash. Avoid carrying Debit and Credit cards, or if you do, keep them inside your front shirt or jacket pocket.

Luggage Safety

6 Useful tips to make your travel safe and comfortable

Keeping your luggage safe during travel is essential. At times when you are in a hurry, you may accidentally misplace one of your bags. So, it’s imperative that you count the number of luggage bags and check them time and again.

If you are travelling by train, you must make sure to attach them with the chain and lock them on the luggage shelf. So, to keep your clothing and other necessary items safe, you must use the double locking system in your luggage. Do not leave them unattended while travelling, and keep them close to you during the journey.

Stay at a Secured Place

It is evident that in an unfamiliar city, you might not know the best and secure place to stay comfortably. So, you can surf the net and find one with good reviews, hospitality, popularity, welcoming staff, and a safe location. You must not ignore your safety by choosing to stay at a place that is lonely and dark.

At such places, the chances of theft, strange people, and unwanted accidents are likely to exist. If you are travelling alone, then it is better to find an economical restaurant that serves good food nearby. You can also look for some popular bars that serve some light drinks like cognac brandy, but drink within your limits.

It is a bitter truth that any carelessness from your side can lead you to a difficult situation. So, stay safe and sound to enjoy your travelling experience.

Avoid Unnecessary Interactions

While travelling, we meet a lot of people and sometimes when the journey is long, we become friends with our co-travellers. We talk about our place of stay and where we are going. We consider it a general talk, but at times it becomes risky to disclose our destination.

You must also not reveal your actual travel destination, such as house number, members in the family, and duration of stay. Avoid taking the same means of transport during your stay at a particular place. The shopkeepers and drivers can keep track of your location, which is dangerous for your safety.


In the words of Jeff Cooper, Safety is something that happens between the ears, not something you hold in your hands. Hence make sure to keep your eyes and ears wide open while travelling to stay safe and comfortable.

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