Do you love visiting Florida? Are you obsessed with Disney World and is this where you have spent your best family vacations? If so, then it could be worth considering moving to Florida and specifically Orlando. There are countless benefits to making this change but there are also challenges that all but certainly lie ahead of you on this path.

Big Benefits
First, it’s worth considering some of the key benefits of moving to Florida and there are quite a few to keep in mind here. For instance, it immediately becomes easier and even cheaper to visit places like Disney World. If you already love these theme parks, then you won’t want to miss out on this massive opportunity. Residents of Florida can even visit these places at a lower cost compared to other people. So, you could end up saving a fortune on your favorite family trips if you visit here. People are often worried that if they could visit every other weekend it would take the magic away from places like this. But, there’s no way to lose the magic of Disney no matter how many times you visit.

Another big benefit is that living in Florida is actually quite cost-friendly. You don’t have to worry about massive house prices here. Buying a home in Florida is quite a cheap affair. You could even think about getting a larger home than you have right now, depending on how much you have saved over the years. Low living costs are also one of the reasons why a lot of people tend to retire in places like Florida. You do have to be aware of the risk that comes with hurricane season. This means that you need to get the right level of insurance. Insurance options are on the market so it’s important to research carefully to find the one the provides you with the right peace of mind.
Another benefit is the beautiful landscape. It’s fair to say that Florida has some gorgeous scenery and different places to explore beyond the theme parks. This is particularly true if you decide to head to the Key. It’s a gorgeous location just brimming with possible adventures that you can explore on your weekend when you live here.

The Challenges
Your biggest challenge is going to be cutting through the legal tape when you want to emigrate to the USA. Emigrating to the US is quite difficult but not impossible. You just need to make sure that you have your finances sorted and ideally you need to find an employer. Finding an employer to work with over there will make it far easier compared with being self-employed.
You should also aim to visit a few different times, scout out various locations, and ensure that you aren’t rushing this decision.
We hope this helps you understand everything that you need to think about if you are planning on moving to Florida. If you take the right steps here, then this could be a brand new start for your family in a fantastic location.