Family Attractions in Arkansas, the natural state, is a great place that offers hundreds of opportunities for inexpensive whole family weekends and outdoor activities.
It has more than 200 museums, dozens of zoos and 52 state parks. Many major Arkansas cities also offer weekend packages and special events that include lodging, meals and tickets to various attractions, including some unusual and affordable fun things for kids of all ages.

Arkansas State Parks
Arkansas state parks offer a wide variety of activities for the entire family, from primitive camping to geo-caching. For example, Lake Oauchita State Park in central Arkansas has a camping package that includes a two-man tent, four bundles of firewood and two camp chairs for only $16.50.
Rent two packages and you can accommodate a family of four for only $33. Geo-caches have been placed in 11 state parks, and with minimal GPS equipment, your family can find as many or as few of the caches as you choose.
Other family packages include whitewater rafting, cave spelunking and rock climbing. Visit one state park each weekend and you can visit each one within a year’s time.
Arkansas Museums Are The Best Places To Start
When visiting museums in Arkansas, you might want to consider this family package. The Hampton Inn and Suites in Little Rock offers a room with two queen sized beds, up to four tickets to the Museum of Discovery and a complimentary breakfast for $99. Additional tickets to the zoo can be purchased from the hotel.
A similar package is available at the Holiday Inn Presidential in Little Rock and includes lodging and museum tickets to see the Treasures of the Pharaohs interactive exhibits.
In Hot Springs, families might enjoy visiting the Gangster Museum, the Mid-America Science Museum or the Josephine Tussaud Wax Museum. Though current prices may vary, a family of four can usually attend these attractions for less than $80.

Arkansas Zoos Are A Great Spot To Spend The Day
The Little Rock Zoo is the state’s first interactive zoo and hosts interesting programs for families.
Breakfasts with the animals are held on a monthly basis and include up-close encounters with the animals and a buffet breakfast. The cost for a family of four is under $100.
A Room with the Zoo is offered by the Courtyard Marriott West in Little Rock. For $99, families can enjoy an overnight stay in the hotel, tickets to the petting zoo and a complimentary breakfast.
Crater Of Diamonds State Park For A Great Outdoors Fan
Arkansas’ Crater of Diamonds State Park consists of almost 40 acres of plowed fields that are the diamond bearing, eroded surface of an ancient volcanic crater.
If you stop by this famous park, you can dig for your some diamonds of your own. First, you’ll need to learn how to discover your jewels (which are yours to keep should you find one.) There are no Tiffany’s boxes buried out here.
Instead, stop by the visitor’s center so you can see what diamonds in the rough look like. Interpretive programs and videos will show you how to begin your diamond search.
A diamond can be white, brown, yellow, and any other color of the rainbow. You may also come across other precious and beautiful stones, such as garnet, quartz, amethyst, and agate.
If you don’t have your own diamond digging tools, you can rent them at the Arkansas State Park.
Diamonds, Diamonds and More Diamonds in Arkansas. Over 75,000 diamonds have been discovered here in Arkansas since the early 1900’s, with over 27,000 found by visitors just like you.
The 40-carat Uncle Sam Diamond was found here in 1924, the largest diamond ever found in the United States. The Strawn-Wagner Diamond was also found in this Arkansas state park, a flawless diamond so perfect that most gemologists will never see one like it in their lives (unless they come here, of course.) It is graded Triple Zero, the highest grade a diamond can be given.
You can stop by to see the Strawn-Wagner Diamond at the Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas for some inspiration before starting your own diamond hunt, where it is on permanent display.
Other notable diamonds found here include the 4-carat Kahn Canary Diamond, which was worn by none other than Arkansas’ First Lady, Hillary Clinton, at both of her husband’s Inaugural Balls, as well as the Amarillo Starlight diamond, weighing in at over 16-carats.
The Amarillo Starlight Diamond was found at Crater of Diamonds State Park in 1975, followed closely in 1981 by the unearthing of the Schall Diamond and the Newman Diamond, both over six carats.

Magic Springs And Crystal Falls Is A Great Attraction
Magic Springs and Crystal Falls offers two family friendly amusement parks in one. Located in Hot Springs, Arkansas, Magic Springs and Crystal Falls features a traditional amusement park and an on-site water park, which operates during the summer months.
Magic Springs features a variety of ride attractions including roller coasters, log flumes and carousels, while Crystal Falls offers a 350,000 gallon wave pool, water slides and a splash zone suitable for toddlers and younger children.
Arkansas Museum Of Discovery Is Great For Young Children
The Arkansas Museum of Discovery, located in Little Rock, offers a wealth of attractions of interest to both children and adults.
The museum offers collections containing authentic mummy coffins, multi-cultural masks from around the world and over 51 species of animals.
The museum also offers interactive attractions such as the Tech Lab, where kids can build and test out their own creations and the Imagination Station, where kids use crafts to bridge the gap between art and science.
Hot Springs National Park For A Family Vacation
Located on the urban outskirts of Hot Springs, Arkansas, the Hot Springs National Park offers 26 miles of hiking trails as well as camping facilities and picnic grounds to utilize during your stay.
The park also features a 216 foot tower which overlooks 140 miles of the Ouachita Mountains. In addition to natural attractions, the park is the location for the Museum of Contemporary Art of Hot Springs as well as several gift shops for souvenir shopping.

Family Activities And Miles Of Trails In Arkansas Worth Visiting
Families on the go will have plenty of things to do and see when traveling through Arkansas.
Arkansas offers a myriad of family friendly activities, natural beauty and attractions for locals and tourists alike. From amusement parks to zoos, Arkansas features attractions suitable for kids and adults of all ages.
Hiking is a favorite past time and an outdoor adventure in all seasons and Arkansas is the perfect place to hike. There are over 250 walking trails scattered through the state’s Corps of Engineers recreation areas to have a great time, according to the Department of Parks and Tourism.
These trails are comprised of easy to strenuous trails. An easy trail is located in the North Central part of Arkansas, the Bell Slough Watch able Wildlife Trail.
It is located near the town of Mayflower, and the entire trail consists of two loops one being 1.75 miles and the shorter being 1.3 miles.
Butterfield Trail
The Butterfield Trail, located in Devil’s Den State Park, near the town of West Fork is a trail named for the stage coach line that followed the same route. It is located in the Ozark Mountains and there are many caves along the trail.
A flashlight is necessary to explore the caves and when walking along the cave area extreme caution is needed due to open crevasses. It is a 1 and ½ mile hike, and described as moderate difficulty. You can even enjoy some mountain biking along the trail.
Buffalo River Trail
The Buffalo River Trail is also located in the Ozark Mountains. This trail is a larger one consisting of 36 ½ miles.
This is a scenic hiking trail, taking in historic home sites, farmsteads and cemeteries. This hike can be combined with a float trip along the Buffalo River. It is a strenuous, depending upon the section that you choose to hike.
Mount Magazine Hiking Trails
Mount Magazine Hiking Trails are a treat for the older kids. Mount Magazine is the highest mountain in Arkansas. The trail winds down the mountain and can be a day hike or an overnight one. The distance and terrain make it strenuous to easy.
Pedestal Rocks Area
The Pedestal Rocks Area trail is located in Ozark Mountains. Parts of this trail travel along the edge of high bluffs.
Railings have been erected in certain locations; however, there are dangerous spots in the vicinity of the bluffs.
Sugar Loaf Mountain Trail
The Sugar Loaf Mountain Trail is on the list of National Hiking Trails. It has been operational since 1962, and received National Trail status in 1971.
This trail is located on an island, where 300 million year old rocks are located. There on the final ascent to the mountain are wooden steps. At the top one can see the White River and Greers Ferry Lake.
Petit Jean Mountain hiking trail
The Petit Jean Mountain hiking trail is located near Morrilton, Arkansas. This trail is an easy one, taking hikers about two hours.
The trail follows the creek bed and comes to the 95 foot Cedar Falls, one of the tallest continuously flowing waterfalls in the State. Bring your camera on this hike.
There are many beautiful hiking trails allowing a view of nature at its best.
Unusual Weekend Getaways
The Bar-J Ranch in El Dorado offers a family package for $125 that includes campfires, horseback riding, fishing and shooting.
Breakfast is also provided, and special activities are planned for the children, allowing quiet time for Mom and Dad. Another interesting weekend can be spent at the Wildflower Bed and Breakfast in Mountain View.
The inn hosts a Songwriter’s Retreat each year. Bring your instrument and practice your musical talents with Charley Sandage, a renowned local musician.
Do you have any other favourite places to visit in Arkansas?