Going on a Day Out with such a large family, can understandably cost quite a lot of money, especially now that all of the children are over the age of 5 and two of my ‘babies’ are now adults, and many places also class over 13s and over 16s as adult prices, so technically we could be looking at 6 adults and 3 children, which means for some places I may need to remortgage the house just to visit a zoo! needless to say we tend to head for the cheaper activities of parks, woods and beaches that are actually free.
You would think that the less people, the cheaper it would be, especially if its only one adult, in the case of a single parent family, but in fact it is actually more expensive for a single parent to take their two children to some of the most popular tourist attractions, which sounds absolutely ridiculous! How can a family of three be paying more to enter an attraction than a family of 4, it literally doesn’t make any sense
Just as we are being penalised for having lots of children it would appear that families with only one parent are also being charged more, how on earth that is a fair system is totally bonkers! What are single parents expected to do, grab a random stranger off the street and make them go out for a day with their fake family, or take along Mr or Mrs Invisible. Note to friends of single parents, ensure you inform your single parent friend when you are available for days out during the summer, not only will it give your friend a helping hand with their two children, but it will also save them money!
You may think I am joking, but just take a look at the table below of the financial struggles of being a single parent
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