Cluedo 2 Review – Last night Neva and I went along to the opening night of Cluedo 2, accompanied by Xene and Eowyn, who never say no to a murder mystery evening, and with the fabulous half price ticket offer for the first night, it was a lovely evening out for us girls.

We missed the first outing of Cluedo when it came to Norwich a few years back, and after reading that the story and the era were completely different, I was keen to see how good my deduction skills were at solving the murder, as i’ve always had a fondness for the boardgame!
Set in the swinging 1960s, CLUEDO ’2’, is a brand new tale, with a new house, new suspects, and lot of new bodies!
Rock n roll legend Rick Black has not had a hit for years and he’s broke. But as he settles into his grand new, expensive home, Graveny Manor, Rick is desperate to revive his fading career and reclaim his fame and fortune…. and is prepared to do anything to get it back.

Excited to reveal his long-awaited comeback album, Rick has assembled his supermodel wife, The Honourable Emerald Peacock; his manager, Colonel Eugene Mustard, long-time roadie “Professor” Alex Plum, Annabel Scarlett his trusted interior designer and housekeeper Mrs White, who came with house and who knows all its secrets.
But there is still someone missing… Rick’s former song-writing partner “The Reverend” Hal Green, disappeared mysteriously at the same time that Rick’s career went downhill and without him, has Rick still got it?
And where did that butler come from?
As the bodies pile up, our infamous colourful characters uncover each other’s mysteries and secrets, as they dart from room to room trying to escape the murderer and survive the night.
Cluedo 2 Review
Without giving too much away! there was a murder or two, and there were lots of references to the various rooms and murder weapons! The Billiards Room was one of my favourites…
The nod to the boardgame, with each room being lit up, made for a great backdrop.

The entire show was madcap and fast paced, moving from one scene to another with quick succession, the staging for this production was much less and I think it worked well, to ensure the pace was kept up, without waiting for large pieces of set to be moved.
The entire show reminded me of a cross between Play That Goes Wrong and Fawlty Towers!
The cast were manic and madcap throughout, the ‘not a butler’ Wadsworth (Jack Bennett) gave some great comedic lines and Mrs White (Dawn Buckland) was definitely my favourite character.

It had the type of humour that all the family will enjoy, I can imagine my ten year old chuckling away at many of the occurrences taking place!
If you are looking for a theatrical masterpiece, then this one isn’t for you, but if you are looking for a slapstick, madcap comedy that had lots of funny moments, some you were expecting, others not so much, then definitely grab your tickets
Cluedo 2 is at Norwich Theatre until Saturday 6th July and then it continues its tour across the country, you ca check out the dates and locations on the Cluedo 2 website